Exam materials are taken from the AoS:

AoS 1: My Music

A0S2: The Concerto Through Time

  • the Baroque Solo Concerto
  • the Baroque Concerto Grosso
  • the Classical Concerto
  • the Romantic Concerto

AoS3: Rhythms of the World 

  • India and Punjab 
  • Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East 
  • Africa
  • Central and South America.

AoS4: Film Music

  • music that has been composed specifically for a film
  • music from the Western Classical tradition that has been used within a film
  • music that has been composed as a soundtrack for a video game

AoS5: Conventions of Pop

  • Rock ‘n’ Roll of the 1950s and 1960s
  • Rock Anthems of the 1970s and 1980s
  • Pop Ballads of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s
  • Solo Artists from 1990 to the present

Music First Pages that are particularly relevant:

Focus on Sound OCR lessons:

(choose topics on RH menu)


Concerto through time:



Rhythms of the world:

(choose topics on RH menu - ensure they are relevant to the OCR list above)


Pop Music


General listening:
