Science Homework Project Feedback Form


Did you know what you needed to do to score high marks in your project?
If no, what would have helped?
Did you think you had enough information and help to do your project?
If no, what would have helped you?
How much extra help did you need to complete your project? This might be from your teacher, Mrs Garnett or someone at home.
Did you finish your project in about the right amount of time?
If no, how long do you think it took you?
If you had to start this project again would you do anything differently?
If yes, what would you change?


How much help did your child need at home to complete the homework project?
Do you feel your child was able to use their time effectively during the project week?
If no, what would have helped them?
Approximately how many hours did your child spend on their homework project?
How did your child feel about what they had to do for their project?

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