Work for lessons from Monday 20th March until the end of the course. 

Please work through these tasks carefully. Work has been divided into must do, should do and could do. Tasks are numbered. 

Chapter 9 - Crude Oil

(1) Homework from Week beginning 13th March: Must do Crude Oil and Fuels booklet.

 (2) Should do - please correct it and email me the score out of 29. If not please hand in (latest Fri 24th or Mon 27th March)

Chapter 11 - Earth's Atmosphere

(3) Must do. In lessons, I talked through the powerpoint below, If you missed this lesson you must read through it. If you are stuck you need to find me and I will go through it with you.

(4) Must do. Homework

Please watch the four Cognito clips below from this topic. (18-20 mins)

(5) Must do. Please work through the booklet of questions handed out in the second lesson of the week. There are 73 marks broken down like this:

(5) Must do: Homework Q1, Q3, Q4, Q5a, Q7a&b - 30 marks (25-30 mins)

Could do: Q2, Q5b-e, Q6, Q7c, Q8 - 43 marks (43 mins). Optional.

(6) Should do: Please then correct your work and email me your score.

Chapter 6, 8 & 10 Test

Please use the markscheme below to correct your answers to the test.

General feedback:

  • There is significant correlation between doing more of the set tasks before the test and doing better in the test. However this only applied if the work had also been corrected before the test. This applied to being more likely to achieve target grades and also achieving higher grades. 
  • Evidence of good learning of the content from many of you, well done
  • The free moving charged particles in the different types of material were not well known, revise structure and bonding if you scored less than 3/3
  • Half equations were a challenge for everyone, please look at the markscheme
  • Reversible reactions and catalysts - the explanations most people gave showed some understanding but they lacked the precision needed for credit. Look carefully at the markscheme and you will need to learn the phrases you need to use to score marks.
  • Evidence of learning the various tests from most, some scored low marks here - I suggest you look at how you approached revising that content.

Chapter 12

Lesson on Monday 27th March we will complete the following:

12.1 Finite and Renewable Resources & 12.6 Reduce, Reuse, Recycling

(7) Discussion: What are finite and renewable resources? What is sustainability?

(8) Must do: Please watch this Cognito Clip 

(9) Should do this Kerboodle starter:

(10) Must do: Please read Pages 160-161 and 170-171. 

(11) Could do: make a spider diagram or similar revision resource as you read through the textbook.

(12) Must do: please discuss the questions on this word document in a small group and make brief bullet point notes together. You don't need to do the timeline or the final question (Q3).

(13) Must do: Start Booklet Part 1, questions 1 - 4 in the question booklet

Tuesday 28th March or Friday 31st of March:

12.5 Life Cycle Assessments

(14) Must do, please read the worksheet below.

(15) Must do: please watch this clip; add any extra details to your worksheet above.

(16) Could do: the interactive starter from Kerboodle on Life Cycle Assessments:

(17) Should do: please read pages 168-169 and add any further details.

Should do: Use the resource on Plastic vs Paper to check some of the key ideas within this part of the topic:

(18) Must do: please then complete the remainder of Booklet Part 1, Q1 - 4 in the booklet

(19) Must do, please then correct your questions from this week's two lessons and send me the score out of 42.

Lesson on Monday 3rd of April

This work was previously set on a lesson on either Tuesday 28th Feb or Fri 3rd March. Some of you will have already done this. It is hoped that you won't need a double lesson to complete the work for both of these pages. You may need to make up time in this week's homework time if necessary.

12.2 Potable Water, Water safe to drink.

 (18) Potable Water. Discussion: What does potable mean? What do we mean by pure water? 

(19) Must do: Watch this Cognito clip.

(20) Should do: Complete this interactive task

(21) Must do: Watch this clip which relates to purifying water. This is a required practical and it will be shown to you in the lesson on Tuesday 4th of April and/or Monday 24th April (after Easter). NB You don't need to know about tests for dissolved ions.

(22) Should do:

(23) Must do: Please now start Booklet Part 2, Q 5 - 9 in your question booklet.

12.3 Waste Water

(24) Must do: Please watch the Cognito clip below:

(25) Must do: Please read double page 164-165 on Treating Waste Water.

(26) Must do: Please click through the powerpoint below, and fill in the sheet shown on the first slide (printed for you). 

(27) Must do: Please complete Booklet Part 2, Q5-9 in your question pack.

(28) Please correct questions in Booklet Part 2 on the pages about Potable Water and Waste Water and send me the score out of 54.

Tuesday 4th of April (Hb & Hc) or Monday 24th (Ha)

We will be talking about 12.4 (HT) Extracting Metals from Ores. 

(29) Read Pages 166-167 in the textbook. 

(30) We looked at the practicals on the page in the lesson.

(31) We drew a mind map on the board, photo below. 

(32) We answered the questions on Page 3 & 4 of this booklet.

 (33) Must do: The final questions in the booklet, Part 3, Q10-13

(34) Please correct the questions above and send me the final score out of 47.

Well done :) The Course is Complete