Here are the suggested activities if you need to catch up any of the work from Chapter 10.

10.1 Alkenes

Read Pages 158-159 in your textbook.

Then watch the cognito clip below: 

We then worked through the worksheet below. Where time was short, we did Task 1 and the Questions but we didn't complete Task 2.

10.2 Structures of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters

Read Kerboodle Pages 160-161

We completed some of the questions on the worksheet below for homework.

10.3 Alcohols

Read Kerboodle Pages 162 - 163

I demonstrated these reactions in the lesson.

Watch the Kerboodle Clip

Answer some of the questions on the worksheet attached:

10.4 Carboxylic acids and esters

Read Kerboodle Pages 164-165

I demonstrated the reactions of acids. We discussed how they behave just like other acids, but that they are weak acids. We recalled that we learnt about weak acids at the end of Chapter 5.

We then looked at the different smells that esters can make. We talked about how the alcohol is what leads to the first part of the name, e.g. methanol becomes methyl, ethanol forms an ethyl. The carboxylic acid gives the second part of the name, i.e. methanoic acid becomes a methanoate etc. So ethanol with methanoic acid forms ethyl methanoate. We discussed how the molecules react and that a water molecule is formed so this can be called a condensation reaction.

We then worked through some of the questions in the attached worksheets

End of Topic Test Questions