This topic contains work for both the Higher/Foundation Trilogy Course and also additional pages for the Separate Science Course.

12.1 / 10.1 Pure Substances and Mixtures

We read through the pages in Kerboodle. (Separate Chemistry book pages 180-181).

Title is Pure substances and Mixtures

Now watch the Cognito clip:

1) Write out the definition of pure.

2) Explain why melting and boiling points can be used to measure the purity of something. 

3) Give a few bullet points to explain how the melting point test works (Figure 2).

4) What happens to the melting and boiling point if a substance is impure?

5) What is a formulation?

6) List all the examples of formulations which are mentioned on the page in the book (see the very last sentences above the practice questions and the examples where the bullet points are given in more detail). Give slightly more information about paints and cleaning agents. 

7) Read the key points, check you've included all the information, add anything you've missed.

12.2 / 10.2 Analysing Chromatograms

This is a required practical. We revised the chromatography experiment, also found on Page 10 - 11 in Chapter 1. Then we practiced Rf calculations from the worksheet below. Please note that the scale of the print out is different to the markscheme so the actual size that you measure for Q5 & 6 may be different.

12.3 / 10.3 Testing for Gases

We carried out the experiments, the chlorine test is a demonstration only.

This section is for Separate Chemistry only

12.4  Tests for Positive Ions (Separate Only).

12.5 Tests for Negative Ions (Separate Only).

12.6 Instrumental Analysis

Separate Chemistry End of Topic Practice Questions

End of Topic Tests