These instructions are for Year 9 students who have not used Kerboodle the digital GCSE textbook before.

We have shifted things around to make best use of home learning with a topic which doesn't have any practical work. This topic doesn't rely on any prior GCSE knowledge so it is perfectly suited to the situation we all find ourselves in. 

You will need to access the GCSE textbook online which is called Kerboodle. Please go to your Onelogin browser and click on the green Kerboodle image, You might have to look under "more apps" or equivalent to find it if you have never needed to use it before. It should automatically log you in using your onelogin.

Within Kerboodle you now need to go to the Chemistry textbook. It looks like this. Scroll through the thumbnails until you find it and then click on it.

Now click on a few pages. Take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with how it is laid out. Check you can zoom in on the page. Type any number between 10 and 100 into the page box bottom right to see an example page. Click through a chapter until you find the questions at the end. In the bottom of the page there is a tab called "Resources". Click on this - and look for an interactive resource. We will be completing some of these as part of our course. I will ask for a thumbs up that you are OK with this too.

Now we are ready for today's lesson. As it will have taken us a little while to become familiar with everything we won't probably finish everything from lesson one.

Our new topic is all about the Atmosphere - how it used to be, how it is now, the Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change and Pollution. It will cover between 6 and 8 lessons worth of work.

Click on Lesson 1 - History of the Atmosphere and begin working through the tasks.

Please send a message via Teams if you are struggling with any of the above.