Trilogy Page 148 - 149 or Separate Science Page 194 - 195 

There are five tasks in today's lesson.

Task 1. The Earth's atmosphere hasn't always been how it is now, in fact it used to be very different when the Earth first formed. Watch the clip below:

Task 2. Now turn to your textbook and read through the double page spread listed above. As you read through it, fill in the boxes on the learning grid below. 

Task 3. Now fill in the gaps on these notes. This will give you a more detailed version of what scientists believe happened, important if you are (likely to be) targeting a higher grade.   

Task 4. Complete the interactive resource found linked to this page in Kerboodle. 

Task 5. Answer question 4 from the right hand double page. It is worth 6 marks so make sure you include all the relevant details and equations. Year 11 Higher Tier students should also have a go at question 5.