Trilogy pages 150-151, Separate Chemistry pages 196-7  

In our last lesson we learnt that the atmosphere has changed over time to become what it is today. Today's lesson focuses on the processes which reduced the quantity of carbon dioxide in the early atmosphere to present levels, and to understand the composition of the atmosphere as it is now.

There are four tasks in today's lesson.

Task 1. Read the double page in your textbook. As you go through it, complete the learning grid below.

Task 2. Watch this twig video clip. You will need to copy and paste the address into your browser. Remember the login and password are both "elizabethcollege". 

Twig - FactPack: Atmospheric Gases : Twig (

Task 3. Answer question 3 on the right hand page of the text book double spread.  Carry on with the lined paper you were using to answer questions in the previous lesson. It is worth 4 marks so include all the relevant details from what you have read.

Task 4. Revision map. Begin a mind map on a piece of plain or lined paper which you will use for this topic. Start with a bubble on the left hand side of the page for the early atmosphere, and a bubble in the middle for the present atmosphere. Then think about the gases which have changed and draw links to show how the amounts have changed and why. I've started an example below - you would need to make sure all the other gases are included, and all the arrows should have the relevant processes listed. I'm sure your will have more space to fit things onto yours when you aren't using a clunky pen like I was. We will connect the pollution box later.