Trilogy pages 152-153, Separate Chemistry 198-199

We will take two lessons to cover this double page. 

There are seven tasks to complete. There are lots of really good and informative clips to help us with today's lesson. 

Task 1 Watch the clip below about how The Greenhouse Effect works.

 Twig - The Greenhouse Effect : Twig (

Task 2. Go to the BBC Bitesize page on the Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect - Polluting the atmosphere - AQA - GCSE Chemistry (Single Science) Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize 

Draw your own version of the diagram including all the details they give. You could also use Figure 1 in your textbook to help you. Copy the six stages of the greenhouse effect underneath.

Task 3. Watch the clip below about the evidence for natural climate change Global Warming 

Twig - Natural Climate Change : Twig (

Task 4: Followed by a 6 minute clip on Al Gore's an Inconvenient Truth

Task 5. Read the double page to go with this lesson, pages shown above. 

Task 6. In Kerboodle, have a go at both the interactive starter and interactive plenary. Screenshot your answers.

Task 7. Now answer the questions on the right hand page, use Word. 

  • Year 11 everyone should answer all questions
  • Year 10 everyone should answer 1 - 4, more able students targeting higher grades should also answer Q5. 
  • Year 9 everyone should answer 1 - 3, more able students should also answer Q4 and could have a go at Q5 if they want to.