Trilogy pages 154-155, Separate chemistry pages 200-201

Today's lesson focuses on the impacts of rising greenhouse gases, and thinking about solutions.

There are six tasks in today's lesson.

Task 1.  Watch the 6 minute video clip, the first four minutes summarise the theory you have learnt about in the last two lessons and the last two minutes are related to today's new work.

Task 2. Read the double page in your textbook. 

Task 3. Make a revision page. Use half of the page to summarise the four consequences listed on the left hand page (the bullet points). Try to make sure the revision document looks different to the format you have read - don't just copy out the same things as this won't lodge in your memory. The best type of revision resource will be one where you have converted the information from one form to another. E.g. from sentences to images or from a list to a mind map.

Task 4. Watch the next clip about carbon footprints.

Task 5. Now use the second half of the page to list some of the solutions mentioned on the double page spread in your textbook (bottom of the left page and top of the right page).

Task 6. In Kerboodle have a go at the interactive  plenary. Screenshot your answers.