Text book references:  pages 162-163 Trilogy, pages 208-209 Separate.

Task 1

Task 2:

Do the Kerboodle interactive starter activity for this lesson:  www.kerboodle.com/app/courses/19723/modules/Resources/content/168165  (Separate Chem) or  www.kerboodle.com/app/courses/19723/modules/Resources/content/180503 (Trilogy)

Task 3:

 Watch this video of the required practical.  It includes the revision of some ion tests too (relevant to Separate Science Chemistry; we have not studied this topic yet).

Task 4:

Answer the questions on this worksheet.  It also includes a copy of the the method for the required practical so make sure that you are familiar with this.


Task 5:

 If time allows, work through this task:


Task 6:

Do sections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 on Seneca Learning (your teacher may set these as an assignment).