This was the cover work set on 15.1 Rusting, from Chapter 15: Using Resources.

Task 1: Kerboodle, Pages 220-1, Read the double page about Rusting.

Task 2: Watch this Cognito clip:

Task 3: On lined or plain paper (not on your device), create a revision aid to help you remember the ways that we can avoid the corrosion of iron, i.e. rusting. Suggestions include, using the video clip to make a selection of flow charts similar to as shown in the video; make a mind map; using the text from the textbook to make bubbles with key information in on a page. The only rule is it can't be a list and you do need to include all the relevant detail for how these processes work. This will be collected in when I am back.

Task 4: Page 221, On a new piece of lined paper called "Rusting Experiments", answer summary questions 1, 4 and 5. These are testing skills you have gained across the syllabus so far so do look other things up if you need to in order to answer them.

Task 5: Optional, if you have time, please complete the interactive task on Page 220.

This is the cover lesson on the work set on 15.2 Useful Alloys

Task 1: Read Kerboodle, Pages 222 - 223 all about Useful Alloys.

Task 2: Login to Twig, login and password are both elizabethcollege and watch this clip

Twig - Alloys : Twig (

Task 3: Optional, if you are doing well for time, watch any of the clips found here if you are interested:

Twig - Mindmap - Transition Metal Elements (

Task 4: On plain paper, make a revision mind map with the following sort of layout:

  • Central bubble - ALLOYS - with details about what an alloy is, and their properties and reasons for them
  • Offshoots - Copper, Aluminium, Gold, Iron (and Steel as a bubble leading off from Iron)
  • From each of the offshoots, give examples of how they are used, why those metals are chosen for those uses (their properties) and any other relevant points including from the video clips.
  • If you have time/inclination your mind map and your memory and recall of it will be improved by including little diagrams illustrating those uses.

Task 5: On lined paper, answer Q3, 4 and 5 from Kerboodle Page 223. Use full sentences. These will form part of your revision notes on this topic so feel free to set them out in a way that will help you for revision.

Homework: Complete the questions in the booklet called "Useful Metal Alloys".