This is the work set on the Haber Process

See the cognito clips here:

This is the cover work that was set on Fertilisers:

Task 1. Please watch this video clip:

Task 2:

Please read in your Kerboodle Textbook, Pages 232 - 233

Task 3:

  • On lined paper, (not in Microsoft word), please write the title "Ammonia and Fertilisers", and the page reference, C/W, today's date.
  • Please write out the key points from the right hand side of the double page.
  • Please copy out Figure 1
  • Please write out the complete balanced equations from the section under the diagram.

Task 4:

Please complete the interactive plenary task, write out your work on the lined paper.

C15.7 Interactive: Percentage composition (

Task 5:

Please read in your Kerboodle Textbook, Pages 234 - 235

Task 6:

  1. Please add the key points from the right hand side of the double page
  2. Copy out Figure 3

Task 7:

Please complete the interactive task. Please screen shot your answers and save in a word document.

C15.8 Interactive: Ammonia as a fertiliser (

Task 8:

If you have time, now rewatch the clip from Task 1 and then add any further notes to your lined paper so you have complete revision notes for these two pages.