Aluminium is a very important material. Aluminium metal needs to be extracted from its ore, aluminium oxide, by electrolysis. Today's lesson is about that process.

1. Open Kerboodle and turn to Page 90 (Trilogy book) or Page 106 (Separate Chemistry book).

2. Read the double page.

3. Now click on the link below to watch the short twig video which summarises the process. 

Twig - Extraction of Aluminium : Twig ( 

Password and login are both elizabethcollege. If you don't have earphones you can click on the transcript tab below the video to read what it says. 

4. Complete the learning grid, (you can download the page below and fill it in electronically if you don't have your original hard copy).

5. Now watch the clip on youtube about the whole industrial process of extracting aluminium.

6. Title a piece of lined paper: Electrolysis of Aluminium. C/W and today's date.

7. Copy out the diagram from the top of the right hand page. Use a pencil and ruler and label as shown. Please make the diagram nice and large - we will add to it in our next lesson (full width of the page, approx a third of a piece of A4 in height). Leave a gap below of approximately 8 lines.

8. HT only: Please watch the cognito video from youtube below which focuses on the equations which occur at the electrodes. 

9. Please answer the summary questions on the right hand page. Write your answers in full sentences on the lined paper above, after the gap you have left. If you are FT then you don't need to do Q3 or Q4c.

There is more work above than you can complete in a single lesson. Details will be given in your Firefly task about when to complete the rest.

At the end of this, you should have:

1) Read the double page

2) Watched two or three clips

3) Completed a learning grid

4) Drawn a diagram

5) Answered questions from the book on lined paper.