This lesson is about working out the different products of electrolysis when a compound is in solution. This is important when understanding the products of electrolysis of sodium chloride solution, also known as brine.

Aqueous solutions

  • Cathode:
    • the metal will form if it is less reactive than hydrogen on the reactivity series;
    • if the metal is more reactive than hydrogen on the reactivity series, hydrogen will form
  • Anode
    • oxygen will form at the anode
    • unless there is a high concentration of a halide, in which case the halogen forms

Today's lesson:

1. Open Kerboodle to page 92 (trilogy) or 108 (separate chemistry).

2. On lined paper: Title: Aqueous solutions, C/W and date.

3. Optional, copy out the text in green above onto the top of your lined paper.

4. Copy out the diagram below onto your page. Try to make sure your diagram covers the full width of the page, approximately a third of the page in height. Use a pencil and ruler for the lines and label it. 

5. Watch the YouTube clip from the Royal Society of Chemistry about the challenges that need to be overcome when performing this process in industry. You are not expected to remember any of the specifics of these processes.

6. Read the double page for 6.4 Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions in your book.

7. Answer summary questions 1, 3 (HT only) and 4 on the lined paper below your diagram above. Question 5 is optional.

8. Fill out the worksheet below called Products of Electrolysis. Look carefully at the state symbol used to see if the compound is molten or in solution.