These are  some of the resources that we have recently used in lessons on Chapter 9. Much of this topic was demonstrated or was practical work.

9.1 Hydrocarbons

How do hydrocarbons from fossil fuels?

We watched this clip twice in the lesson. Once to get the meaning and understanding, and one to take notes from it.

What are alkanes?

9.2 Fractional Distillation

This is how it works in industry (you can ignore the catalytic part until you get to lesson for 9.4).


This clip explains more about the uses of the fractions.

9.3 Burning hydrocarbon fuels

The Products of Combustion are the same for all hydrocarbons, assuming there is sufficient oxygen for complete combustion. This can be shown with a demonstration:

This next clip shows how fuels burn, and explains the properties of the different alkanes.

9.4 Cracking

The experiment to crack a long chain hydrocarbon includes some important safety stages. This video from the Royal Society of Chemistry explains exactly how the experiment should be set up and carried out, just as we did in lessons.

This clip shows you what is happening to the molecules during the cracking reaction.

End of Chapter Resources

End of Topic Tests - Practice