Day 1 - Herm (meet at 8.15 at the latest at the inter island quay)     Students need: Appropriate clothing for the weather - including sensible shoes; Sun protection; Packed lunch (Nut Free) and water; pen/pencil.  We will be returning on the 12.35 boat, then going back to school to process your data. 

Day 2 - 9.30am start in C2.  Please bring your lab book if it was not already in school, and your "Device" so you can do research and stats tests, you may leave this in school until Sun if you wish.   We will be heading to the beach for the afternoon to collect data.  You will need your lunch, clothing as for day 1 and gloves (washing up/marigolds) if you do not want to handle the seaweed/animals directly.  You will be dismissed from the beach approximately 4.00pm

Day 3 - 10am start in C2. We are having a talk from MSc students studying mammals before lunch.  You will need a packed lunch, a jumper/waterproof to sit on and leggings/ long trousers - there are some nettles in the woods, shorts if you're not bothered!  Again bring gloves if you do not want to touch organisms directly. We will be using as few cars as possible so we will return to sch for approximately 4.00pm for some to collect vehicles. 

Day 4 - 9.30 start. Investigation planning, research and data collection. You will need your computers, food and clothing appropriate to the weather.  Dismissed from the beach (Cobo/Grandes Rocques approximately 4.30pm