This is the schedule for the field course week - column 1 and 3 give details for students/parents. This is subject to changes in the weather and student progress through the work.  Summarised below. 

Day 1 - Herm (meet at 8.30 in B1 at EC)    You will collect your equipment and will walk to the boat for 9.15.      Students need appropriate clothing for the weather and carrying out field work- including sensible shoes (not flip flops/sliders); Sun protection;  Packed lunch (Nut Free) and water; pen/pencil.  We will be returning on the 2.35 boat, then going back to school to process your data.  Finish by 5.00.  No devices required, bring lab books

Day 2 - 8.30am start in B1. Please bring your lab book if it was not already in school, and your laptop so you can do research and stats tests. You will need your lunch, clothing as for day 1. We will be heading out to L'eree and Grandes Rocques to familiarise you with different types of habits on island and introduce rocky shore ecology and data collection.

Day 3 - 8.30 at taught school (EC B1).  You will need your lunch, clothing as for day 1 and wellies (at least 1 pair per group of 3).  Lab based practical work in the morning then to St Peters to observe different managed habitats and collect fresh water data. Return to EC for data processing and planning for investigation.

Day 4 -  You will need your computers, food and clothing appropriate to the weather (as per earlier in the week). Investigation planning and research in the morning then heading to Rocqaine for conservation work on invasive species and then to Grandes Rocques for data collection for individual project. 

Nature Reserves – La Societe Guernesiaise

Guernsey Conservation Volunteers | Helping conserve Guernsey's natural environment (

Guernsey Biological Records Centre (

Environment, Energy, Weather & Tides - States of Guernsey (

MarLIN - The Marine Life Information Network - Species list

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