Dear Sixth Formers

Please could you help us to advise younger students whether the resources you bought through us, from CGP, were useful to you? If some of the resources are a waste of time and/or money then we would obviously not want to encourage unnecessary expenditure for them or their parents.

With grateful thanks from your (old) science teachers.

Mrs R

1. Did you use any GCSE CGP Science Revision materials?

If you answered no above, please feel free to finish the form.

2. In general, did you find them useful?
3. Please tick against the resources you found useful, and/or would recommend
4a. Different students use these resources in different ways. Please tick all that you found useful.
4b, If you selected Other, please give details
5a. Where did you use the resources?
5b, If you selected other above, please give details.
6. Do you have any other suggestions or recommendations?

Thank you very much for completing this form, we really value your input.

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