Hi Everyone

Here are the question booklets we have been working through in this topic. Please feel free to either hand booklets in to me for marking, mark yourself and hand in for me to look over, or email me the score. Whatever will help you the most is what you should do.

Please ask if you need help 

Mrs R

So far:

1) Electrode Potentials. Completed and handed in for marking, to be returned on Tues 4th April.

2) Commercial Applications of Chemical Cells and Batteries. Please now finish these if you haven't already. You may wish to hand these in.

3) Transition Metal Redox Titrations: 

Please complete this following the Iron Tablet Analysis Practical on Tues 21st March

4) Transition Metal Complex Ions

Please now complete this following the lesson on complex ions on Wednesday 22nd March

5) Precipitates (Req Prac). 

Please now complete this following the lesson on Tuesday 28th March/Wed 29th March. Only out of 12 marks.

6) Summary and Overview Questions

Please complete these when you can, in time for next term if possible.

7) Catalysis

The below booklets will be possible to complete after the practicals on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th of April.

8) Further Redox Titrations Questions

The below booklet fits best after a practical we will be doing on Tuesday 25th of April.